FAQs About Instafest

Q: Is there an Instafest app I need to download?

Ans: No, there is no app for this either. Instafest is a web-based application that you access through a browser at www. instafest.app. It works on both desktop and mobile browsers

Q: How do I create my Instafest lineup?

Ans: To generate your lineup, visit the Instafest and sign in using your Spotify account. Finally, Instafest will create a poster with your favorite artists based on your listening history, and present it as the “festival lineup”.

Q: Can I customize my festival lineup poster?

Ans: Yes, there is some choice regarding the design of the poster; one can set the listening statistics for the given poster, for example, for the last 4 weeks, the last 6 months, or, generally, all time, as well as decide whether to include one’s username on the poster or not.

Q: Is the app affiliated with or endorsed by Spotify?

Ans:  No, it is not an official app; It is a third-party web application created by Anshay Saboo. It is not an official or sponsored app of Spotify.

Q: Can I create a poster if I use other music platforms like Tidal or Deezer?

Ans: At the moment, Instafest is compatible with only Spotify and Last. fm and Apple Music and YouTube Music using the playlist. It cannot be used with other services such as Tidal or Deezer.

Q: How can I share my lineup poster?

Ans: After creating your poster, you will be able to save it on your device or share it on social networks or other applications. To save the image, simply press the “Save” button, and if you wish to share it through another application, press the “Share” button.

Q: What is the “Basic Score” shown on some posters?

Ans: Besides the lineup, Instafest also assigns a “Basic Score” that determines whether your musical preference is basic or niche based on your listening history. A higher score means that artists are more popular or mainstream. The score is displayed at the bottom right of the poster.

Q: How can I remove Instafest’s access to my Spotify data if I no longer want to use it?

Ans: To deny access to Instafest in your Spotify account go to the Spotify account settings and find Instafest under the list of connected applications then click on Remove Access.

Q: Can I generate a poster for a specific genre or mood?

Ans: Currently, Instafest creates your lineup based on your general listening habits, and there is no feature to select a specific genre or mood.

Q: Can I create a lineup for another user or friend?

Ans:  No, Instafest only creates lineups based on the user’s listening history who is logged in to the application. Every individual has to enter their music platform credentials to generate their wanted poster.

Q: Is there a limit to how many lineups I can create?

Ans: There is no set number as to how many lineups you can have. However, to avoid overloading the site, the site may limit access if you attempt to create a large number of posters in a very short time.

Q: Can I purchase tickets to the Instafest festival?

Ans: No, this is not a real festival to which you can buy a ticket and go attend. It is a virtual idea that creates a hypothetical “dream festival” schedule according to the users’ preferences in music. 

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